Life happens

Life happens. Work happens. Kids happen. And 99/100 times it is much easier to say… life is enough of a workout. I don’t really need to workout.

But the important thing here is that you do something in your day. So many clients tell me they don’t have time to work out; that there isn’t one second in their day they can spare. But I promise, if you want it bad enough…you CAN and will find the time. Or carve it out.

I’m not asking for an hour (although I think after you get into a flow you’ll want that hour!). I don’t want this change or implementation to be daunting for you. But what about just 30 minutes? Maybe some days it’s only 20. Maybe some days you only have time to take the dog (or yourself) for a walk! The important thing is to do something, fire up those muscles! Changes WILL occur. I promise you’ve got this!!

There’s a little more to every blog.

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2022 Recap